The Agent and the Pirate
The story "The Agent and the Pirate" was a very interesting story. The story contained very good
detail which made you picture what was going on in the story, it even felt like you were actually watching it all happening
in real life. In the end the story had a good message which told that if you don't stick with God and his ways then you will
be punished. So even though the story was hilarious, it was also a very good read and there should be more stories containing
Jon Zinger in the future.
Nathan Patrick Jewell The Nate N.P.J.
Charles Smith's Review for
The Agent and the Psychopath
New and Improved Edition
The Agent and the Psychopath was fast-paced, filled with Mr. Metzinger's usual humour.
Not one of his greatest works, but it shows his progression as a writer. Had it had more plot to it, it would have been
better. Overall, it's good, light reading. In conclusion, I believe that it is the least of Mr. Metzinger's works,
but it still would make good reading for young people and it contains a valuable lession concerning prayer.
Charles Smith's Review of The
Agent and the Denominator
The Agent and the Denominator is Mr. Metzinger's most absurd story to date. The plot is repeated
from his previous stories. It was a bit long-winded, but more amusing than some of his previous tales. Overall,
I found The Agent and the Denominator rather dull.
NEW! Charles Smith's Review of
The Agent and the Democrat
The Agent and the Democrat started with an unrealistic premise with hyperbaric chambers and Coral Calcium prolonging
the lives of the Democrats in question, although we know that most of them would have been killed by alcohol use, and one-dimensional
characters like John Kerry. I liked the spiritual ending, and the death of a major character in the Agent saga being
used for drama. His portrayal of John Kerry is very on-the-mark, though he's not nearly as menacing as Billy Bob was.
Mr. Metzinger also has fun with Kerry's flippety-flopping boringness. In conclusion, this story has a very confusing
plot, but if you can keep up with it, it is very interesting.