I'll start off by informing you that I am an independent, fundamental, King-James-only Bible-believing, confrontational
soulwinning, loud-preaching Baptist. When I think of anything else to put on there, I shall do so immediately. I
love red-hot-hell-fire-and-brimstone preaching.
I also believe that the president that is right for the job right
now is George W. Bush. He is a born-again Christian who reads his Bible and prays before each decision and a man who has the
guts to defend our country, unlike Sen. John Kerry, who advocates same-sex marriages, which the Bible condemns as an abomination,
and abortion, which is cold-blooded murder. I don't care how old that baby is; it's alive and it's real. It's a living being
the moment it is conceived and likewise it is murder to kill that being.
Anybody who says that President Bush is sending
our kids to Iraq to die is a peacemonger. Peace is good when we can have it, but there comes a time when we must fight, and
I believe that this is one of those times. Were it not for soldiers fighting for the freedom of this land, we would not be
able to drive to WAL*MART today.
Pray for Peace;
Train for War