Special Agent Jon Zinger Official Website

Friends Photo Album

The Agent and the Pirate
The Agent and the Psychopath
The Agent and the Reprobate
The Agent and the Denominator
The Agent and the Pecok
The Agent and the Slimeball
The Agent and the Democrat
Friends Photo Album
Beliefs and Opinions
Ode to Zinger

Here are some pictures of my friends.

Jonathan Metzinger
Here is my ugly mug.
Nathan Jewell
This is Nate - another of my three best friends.  He is at Nyack Bible college right now - see
The Agent and the Denominator.
Matt Hulings
This is Matt, also known as Charlie Brown -
he delivers newspapers as well - see
The Agent and the Pecok.
Paul Wotus
This is Paul brother of RJ - see
The Agent and the Democrat.
Jack Helmuth
This is Jack - a cartpusher at WAL*MART who has become one of my closest friends - see
The Agent and the Slimeball.
Timothy Reed
This is Tim - one of the more recent cartpushers that WAL*MART has hired and a newly acquired friend - the character of Jim Edwards is roughly based upon him - see The Agent and the Slimeball
Rachel Foley
This is Rachel - one of my three best friends.  She delivers newspapers - see
The Agent and the Pecok.
Jevin Huffman
Here is Jevin - yet another of my three best friends - see The Agent and the Denominator.
RJ Wotus
This is RJ - a friend from my church - author of Panda~Man Comics, Inc. -
see The Agent and the Democrat.
Charles Smith
Here is Charles - he is the official reviewer
for my Agent tales - see
The Agent and the Pecok.
Jeremiah Gibson
This is Jeremiah - another WAL*MART cartpusher whom I have had the pleasure of working with -
see The Agent and the Slimeball.
Movie Party Group Photo
We recently celebrated our fourth movie party at my house on March 28 watching The Incredibles - here is a group photo of the core group of the Fellowship of the Movie Party.  From left to right is Rachel, Matt, Jon, and Jeremiah.

The music that is playing on this page is The White Tree from The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King by Howard Shore.

Special Agent Jon Zinger